The duo consists of a female singer and pianist. The duo will combine the traditional Christmas jazz repertoire with nice Christmas hits like: 'All I want for Christmas' and 'Santa Claus is coming to Town'.
The performance Merry Times can be completed by various musicians with the option of a contrabassist, saxophonist, or a drummer, to be added to the act. This makes the act very suitable for Christmas drinks, Christmas dinner or celebrations. We have multiple duos available that can perform at a similar level. We can always guarantee their availability during the month of December.
Do you want to book this act, which is already available, for your Christmas dinner, drink or Christmas celebration? This duo will be the perfect addition to the nicest pop, jazz and Christmas music. They can be booked for both background as well as the main act. Do you have any questions?
Please contact us, we would love to hear back from you!