Do you want to cancel unexpectedly? Please contact us, we will then try to resolve it as best we can for both you and the entertainment you have booked. In consultation, we usually come to the best solution.
This is our standard cancellation policy:
After you have confirmed your booking, you have 14 days of reflection time. You can then cancel, without giving any reason, free of charge. This only applies to bookings beyond 45 days on the day of booking.
If the cooling-off period has expired, or the booking is made within 45 days, we will charge a cancellation fee. You can take out cancellation protection at the time of booking for 6.8% of the booking amount.
Cancel without cancellation protection:
20% up to 90 days or more before booking
40% up to 31 days before the booking
60% up to 14 days before booking
80% up to 7 days before booking
100% up to 0 days before booking
Cancellation with cancellation protection:
up to 90 days before booking
20% up to 31 days before the booking
30% up to 14 days before the booking
40% up to 7 days before the booking
50% up to 0 days before the booking
With flexible cancellation, if the supplier agrees, the Client can move the booking date once free of charge.
For well-known artists, we adhere to the cancellation conditions as they apply with this party.